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Not just paired, but connected

Once the program has been introduced with the three phonics Teaching Modules and Shared reading stage, there are nine developmental reading stages (370 titles) comprising of connected books written with a different text type.

  • Paired books address the same concepts, vocabulary and high-frequency words in different text types and sentence structures.
  • High frequency words are gradually and systematically introduced and reused at the early levels.
  • There is a high rate of repetition of high-frequency words and a low ratio of unfamiliar words at the early levels.
  • There is a balance of illustrated narrative and photographic informative books.
  • There is a wide range of text types – narratives, recounts, procedures, explanations, reports and persuasive texts.
  • Modules 2-6 of the phonics texts are also paired texts.
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Oxford University Press

For Early Literacy (Australia)
enquiries and sales:

1300 650 616

Eleanor Cutain Publishing

enquiries and sales:

+613 9867 4880


For Early Literacy (New Zealand)
enquiries and sales:

021 585 975 or 0800 782 337


For Early Literacy (Ireland)
enquiries and sales:

+353 1 413 7200